Tips and Tricks, Wordpress

[HowTo] Export All Your Visitors Comment Email In WordPress

In default WordPress comment your visitors need to input their email to leave a comment in your blog. And you can export those emails for whatever reasons you need. Probably you need to keep in touch, or just say hi, you name it. I just want to share a little trick to export those emails from database to a csv file.

Here is the php code to do that:

Author: Ankur Tiwari
Disclaimer: This code is to export all your comentor's email to csv format. Feel free to use it. And i'm not responsible for any legal or ILEGAL activity use of this script. Use it with your own risk!
$database_host="localhost"; //Your MySQL host, leave it to default if you don't understand what is it.
$database_name=""; //Your MySQL database name
$database_username=""; //Your MySQL database username
$database_password=""; //Your MySQL database password

//You don't have to change the rest unless you understand what you are doing.
mysql_connect ($dbhost, $database_username, $database_password) or die("error");;

$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `comment_author_email` , `comment_author` , `comment_author_url` FROM `wp_comments` WHERE `comment_approved`=1 AND `comment_type` != 'pingback' AND `comment_author_email` <> ''";

$csv_output = '';
$csv_output .= '"Name","Email","Website URL"';
$csv_output .= "\015\012";

$result = mysql_query($query);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
	$csv_output .= '"'.$row[comment_author].'","'.$row[comment_author_email].'", "'.$row[comment_author_url].'"';
	$csv_output .= "\015\012";

//You cannot have the breaks in the same feed as the content.
header("Content-type: application/");
header("Content-disposition: csv; filename=email-export.csv");
print $csv_output;

DISCLAIMER:This script is free to use and modified. And i don’t responsible for any legal or ILEGAL activity use of this script. Use it with your own risk!

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